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“I have seen the future, and its name is Guys Night Out!”


OK, maybe not, but these guys certainly have a handle on the past… music of the past, that is. The Guys Night Out Band is a local 4-member outfit with a combined 100+ years of gigging experience. This ‘Fab-Four’ were brought together in 2004 and have been getting together to make great music on a regular basis ever since. They each share a love of Classic Rock, Blues, and Motown, but they also offer unique individual strengths and interests that come together to create a magical music experience. They seamlessly flow from music by the Beatles… to the Stones… to the Byrds… to Clapton… to Stevie Ray… to BB King… to Buddy Guy… to the Temptations… to Wilson Pickett… get the picture?


Guys Night Out have displayed their talents locally at town carnivals, organizational gatherings, corporate functions, nightclubs, and private parties, picking up new fans at every stop. They have served as the house band at the Quaker Hill Country Club in Pawling, NY, and they perform regularly at charity functions for organizations like the Knights of Columbus, the Columbiettes, Love Holds Life, Wounded Warriors, and the Moms of Marines, to name a few. No one that has seen them perform will ever question their dedication to the music. Their energy and enthusiasm have proved infectious, while their polished performances leave ‘em wanting more.


The Guys Night Out Band: come see what all the fuss is about!

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